Sunday, April 13, 2014

For The Fans of SNSD (Soñe) who likes to Disfigure Cherry Belle

Can you see in about plagiarism of Cherrybelle? Certainly Yes! Now i show you the page in English.
I am fans of Cherrybelle (Twibi or Twiboy). For Chiters, don't give a bad comment here. I will manage the comments every Sunday.

For The Fans of SNSD (Soñe) who likes to Disfigure Cherry Belle

( | Friday, April 30th 2012)

Sultry it felt when I read the comments that vilify Cherry Belle, especially from those who claim to be fans of SNSD. The many negative comments I find in cyberspace, especially on Youtube, Facebook, and a number of blogs that happen to contain posts surrounding the Cherry Belle.
Looks like a little with SNSD, arguably a direct plagiarism. As if SNSD is flawless, with no flaws perfectly, aka. As if SNSD it is everything. Ok. Get here, there may be readers who do not know SNSD? SNSD is one of Korea's girlband arguably the most popular and very influential in Korea. I myself (the author of that post) are fans of SNSD. I love their songs and quite a lot of collecting all the videos that are associated with them.
Ok. Back to the main topic.
Many of the comments or opinions that argued that Cherry Belle is plagiarism SNSD. Starting from one of their hits, which title Best Friend Forever (which is considered a lot of similarities with the song Kissing You of SNSD). Ok. I've heard both songs. It's quite similar. It's up only if you want practically plagiarism. But for me, the song Best Friend Forever his Cherry Belle still had differences with his song Kissing You SNSD. Consider only Best Friend Forever that Indonesia version of Kissing You already adapted to the character of the music of Indonesia.
On the song Best Friend Forever, tones and transfer of part of his ear is better suited to the Indonesia, easier to digest, more simple, bottom line and more friendly for typical music lovers in Indonesia. In contrast, tones and transfer of part of the song Kissing You tend to be more complex, more extreme, and less familiar to the typical ear Indonesia people. So, I think it is legitimate and even arguably creative if songwriter Best Friend Forever deliberately changed the tone of the song Kissing You, which provided a source of inspiration for the creation of the song Best Friend Forever.
Loh, plagiarism, why even be considered creative? Why plagiarism is arguably inspired? There must be a "nyela" so. For A Bit. Try to remove the first word ' plagiarism ' from your mind. Try again to compare the two songs that are considered to be very similar. Is it exactly the same? Problem of plagiarism, that the Affairs of the composer. We as listeners/lovers of music, just enjoy it. If you do not like the Cherry Belle because that song is considered plagiarism, no need to vilify the Cherry Belle. The creator's criticism of the song. 

Furthermore, if there are any laws governing the issue of the similarity of this song? To limit the number per cent a song could be considered as viable plagiarism from other songs? It felt hard pressed to measure it. 'Ll, between the song Kissing You (SNSD) and Best Friend Forever (Cherry Belle) is indeed very similar on a certain tone at the opening, closing, and reff. But that was only a part. The Rest Is DIFFERENT. For me, an important song just heard good and got a positive aura. I'm not too concerned with the issue of plagiarism because it is the Affairs of the composer. I am a connoisseur. But ironically, often subject to resin thus the singer or artist who performed the song. In this case, Cherry Belle precisely so the victims and targets of the diatribe.
The song Best Friend Forever (who accused plagiarism Kissing You) actually have very positive aura. I personally would prefer instead the song rather than Kissing You, be it in terms of tone and blend between the part and the harmonisation of its rhythm. Including lyrics.
Further to these's plagiarism of the pose or style.

SNSD fans that Indonesia belongs to the fanatic is often considered Cherry Belle likes to imitate the styles and when SNSD poses on camera or when photographed. Hellooo ... Indeed, the style was already sharing patent rights huh? Indeed, SNSD is the creator of original style it huh? Are you guys sure if SNSD dont ever style of pernak-Pernik/other group huh? Hahaha. Pose like a little with SNSD and casualties, a direct sort of plagiarism or imitating SNSD. Pity The Cherry Belle. Always considered imitating SNSD in terms of style or pose.
If so, become a statue just so safe from accusation of plagiarism pose/style:)
For myself, the charges were overrated. Lebay. The standard style of girls in posing as if patent rights are the members of SNSD only they are allowed to do so. In fact, most of the SNSD style/pose is often considered emulated by Cherry Belle is a style/pose are very common. A regular course. Any chick can do pose/style it spontaneously or natural. Still want to say it's plagiarism? Are you guys sure that style/pose are the creations of SNSD? Are you guys sure if SNSD was never "emulate" other people's style/pose or another girlband?
There is another SNSD fans who consider Cherry Belle plagiarism SNSD just because it happens to be the number of casualties is similar to SNSD, which is 9 people. So dont be the same? Indeed, the number of personnel of 9 people it is patents SNSD? Well, if so, it would be an awful lot of the band (including a boyband and a girlband) worth is considered plagiarism. Because many have the same number of personnel. For example the same 3 people, 4 people, 5 people, 6 people, 7 people, etc.
Then, there is another who likes to disfigure the Cherry Belle by assessing only sell look, look, sounds ugly capital, dance crushed/messy, not a compact time dancing, cute ass, and instant capital, and some of these negative again.
Ok. I will respond to some of these little-ness.
In my opinion, not just selling Cherry Belle look. They are the girlband Indonesia selling concept and characteristic. If it's just selling look, I am sure 100% Cherry Belle would not be as successful and as popular as it is today. If it's just a look or just sell capital doang look, I will not be able to make or like the Cherry Belle. Sure. Why should I make the charge because of the look. Low once my taste in music if so. Here's the thing-put it this way, I was a connoisseur of the art of music and dance art as well. Not limited to art lovers face or physical beauty.
If it's just a gorgeous look nice or capital, but her ugly (less good), useless as well. If it's just selling look, but do not have the characteristic, was useless. If it's just selling look, but the sound is destroyed, just the same. If only capital look, but his attitude is good, people will be less difficult to like and easy to forget.
Cherry Belle sound crappy or mediocre? If it's ugly, I'm sure going to be nothing like the song dilemma, Beautifull, I'll Be There For You, Best Friend Forever, or Love Is You. Furthermore, please note that not all types of songs requiring a high vocal techniques or need to be performed with the singing technique of ' wah '. Sometimes, or even frequently, certain songs are sung quite/performed with the vocal technique or how to sing a simple course.
So far, the hits of Cherry Belle generally cheerful teenager, nuanced, and does not require a high vocal techniques to performed. With innocence, sincerity, modesty's singing and the sound of natural teen characters are the members of Cherry Belle, the songs are sounding good to my ear. There is nothing wrong from that. Again, not all songs need to be performed by way of singing which is too technical.
Too technical at times can damage the track itself and makes it so unpalatable.
There is more to assess that dance Cherry Belle it crash, dont wear compact, style/koreo stale, and even again be considered plagiarism (mimic) SNSD. Thus I view choreography displayed by Cherry Belle is the most compact when compared to the performance of some other girlband Indonesia choreography. I've pretty much and often watched the performance of Cherry Belle. They are quite compact time nari. Indicating that they are really working hard exercise time.

If the problem of imitating the choreography of SNSD, hmm, if I see the hell, choreography Cherry Belle very something like do with SNSD. They even had (Chibi) its own distinctive koreo even so many trend and is practiced. And again I would like to ask, is it true that some have deemed koreo SNSD is SNSD made the original? Whether SNSD never imitated the choreography of another girlband? Whether it's his patents koreo SNSD? Similar to little direct say, imitating SNSD.
As if SNSD's original 100%, have no defects, pioneers, and all and sundry without drawbacks. Don't overdo the idol you adore girlband. SNSD also had drawbacks. Even many K-POP Lovers who don't like SNSD. Try to read the comments they don't like to SNSD (especially from 2NE1 fans). Surely you will also hear it. Want to read some of their comments that don't like to SNSD? Please drop by to post about the 10 most popular Girlband Korea 2012 ( | Indonesian Language | You can translate it using Bing Translator or Google Translator)
Then, there's another assumption that Cherry Belle is impromptu girlband born of the instant process. Well, my comment, if it is formed instantaneously, why should there be auditions to select the personnel deemed worthy? Why should be quarantined and digembleng a few months before officially to the public? Please note, Cherry Belle officially formed on February 27, 2011, but they recently appeared and performed officially to the public about the lapse four months later (especially in TV).
That means, they continue through the process which is not instant.
If the supposition sok cute how? hahaha. It's the default look of those cute indeed from there? Probably from the style and appearance that are considered cute ass? Why, precisely that is one concept that like to assertions of Cherry Belle. I see what they show it does correspond to the age they are still teenagers. There is no impression too forced or too contrived. I see it is still natural. One of the concepts of Cherry Belle is ' fun teen girl '.
Once again, for the fans of SNSD (Soñe) who likes to vilify Cherry Belle, no need to much for whom. I myself as one of SNSD'S fans do not want too much adore SNSD, SNSD it seems perfectly without the slightest defect. Always alone. Just enjoy the music and the appearance of the casualties without needing to be being blind. No need to spend your energies to chide or hate to overdo it. So you guys better than those you "caci"?
Another one, no need to compare between SNSD and Cherry Belle. Cherry Belle, however, it has recently been formed. Cherry Belle still need a lot of process to become even better in the future. You may laugh at disparaged or Cherry Belle, considered them impossible dream or just if you want to go international, dont like SNSD will ever make, and some other snide scolding. But you can never preclude the power of dreams and hard work. Voice quality issues (vocal), dance, compactness and other technical factors that could be trained. They just need a process.
For those who like to say Cherry Belle it's plagiarism, plagiarism even considered number one, try "ngaca" first. Does your school time dont ever cheat? Are you dont ever do such thing bandwagon? Do you not ever replicate what you see? Do you not ever replicate what you think is good? Do you not ever replicate what is done by other people, and then claim as if it is from your own?
Plagiarism. One word is often used as a tool to drop or disfigure. It looks like easy once accused of plagiarism. The bottom line, Cherry Belle still takes criticism. But give the criticism builds that sportsmanship, objective, balanced, and polite. Just look at a few facts from the side. On the other hand, let's support girlband Indonesia so that they could be even better in the future.
May make the same K-POP or SNSD, but you guys don't get blind and likes to disfigure the Group had its own nation. Group-K-POP Group Korea also indirectly nice when the new window appears. They are also born from the name of the process. Nothing is instant and there is no guarantee that they are 100% original. And if you're not aware if most K-POP group that also love Korea mimic, especially from the West? Dont have to far-away. Just look at their hair style alone whose average disposable Polish let so blonde. It mimics/plagiarism as well right? wkwkwk. The original hair color black Korea people right?

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